Saturday, September 6, 2008

Be Here Now

I guess it is time for an update! I've had a week of classes up to this point and I'm so far enjoying every class that I'm in.

Intro to Literary Studies (honors) - I have a professor named Christina Root. She used to head the English department here and she is the sweetest woman alive. We're reading Midsummer Night's Dream and there are only 7 of us in the class (there were 4 at the beginning). We had our first class at the cafe on an outdoor table.

Genres: Fiction- My professor, Carey Kaplan, is a crazy feminist lesbian and is absolutely hilarious. She gives vocab words once a week and this week included hypermammiferous (having large breasts) and ithyphallic (having an erection). We're reading The Awakening and everyone in the class is really interesting.

Philosophy of Society (honors)- I have this class at 10am on Tuesdays and Thursdays: my earliest class. I have it with 2 of my best friends and the class is set up around one big seminar table. Our professor has a thick accent, a mix between French and Russian, and is really passionate about philosophy. We're reading Plato's Republic and she makes it much easier to understand. Everyone is really passionate and it is fun to have discussions class-wide.

Child Development- My one and only education class. I'm actually switching from elementary ed. to secondary next semester so this class isn't technically one I need to take. No worries though, it is really interesting and our professor is great. Her name is Laima Ruoff and she knows her shit.

Understandings of God- I don't know what to say about this class. It runs in true Vermont fashion... My professor came in 5 minutes late wearing jeans on Tuesday and wrote "How do I live?" on the board. We're doing units on Buddhism and Hinduism later on. My first assignment is to write a 3 page paper on what I feel I'm living my life for. This guy worked under Mother Teresa and the Dali Lama. Insanity. I leave feeling like I need to analyze my life. It is actually pretty cool.

Living with Julia has been great too. We bunked our beds and arranged our room and I love love love it. Justin is visiting this weekend too. It's been really emotional and wonderful and I can't wait until he's back for good. I have a lot more to say but my brain is fogged over. Today is the first day is has truly rained here since I moved down. I'm so happy to be back.

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