Sunday, January 9, 2011

Aaaand... I'm back.

It's been so long since I last blogged that I really don't know where to start. I am almost into my final semester of college here at Saint Mike's and I guess that means it is time for some serious reflecting and some real consideration regarding my near future. I think that I'm in an extremely different place that I was in last time I posted in my Australia blog... This summer was really tough. After landing in Boston I cried for about a day straight. Missing Australia was really hard on me. I had a bacterial infection in my stomach for the entire summer but didn't find it until September which made it even harder to assimilate back home. Last semester was pretty wonderful, as well; school was really busy but rewarding as I completed my first senior thesis and got an A on it. Presenting it was liberating and surprisingly a lot of fun and I can only hope that my second one this semester is even better. I think that the most incredible thing that happened last semester was meeting a guy who has made a really significant change in my life. As of late, we've been going through a really rough patch but I know that I'll grow out of it and I hope more than anything that our relationship can grow out of it, as well. I haven't seen him in about three weeks but that will all change tomorrow night; I couldn't be happier.

I have a lot of big hopes and plans for this semester and the time immediately following it. Above all, I want to do what makes me happy while planning for graduate school and moving into my first non-college apartment. I want to write more and reflect more. I want to cherish the relationships that have gotten me through both the good and the bad, and not mourn over friends who I have lost along the way. I want to watch less TV, spend less time on Facebook, and spend more time enjoying my last semester as an undergraduate. I want to look back at this semester, and at college in general, and be content.

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