Tuesday, June 30, 2009

When I reminisce back to some of my High School days I can rarely remember how I felt or what went on from moment-to-moment. I realize that a lot of this is because I was sleepwalking through my high school educational experience. Today I woke up mentally and physically exhausted after my first 10-hour work-day of the summer (I have 8 more weeks of them up ahead), and realized that I have that same sleep-walking feeling inside of me now. Despite 4 hours awake and 2 cups of coffee, I feel slightly numb and as if I am going through the motions. My days, from here on out, will generally consist of either 10 hour days at rec, or 4 hour office shifts followed by 6 hours at rec. 10 hours. Plus 2 hours daily at the gym. And probably a few more hours reading: at least while I power through the final 2 books in the Twilight series (yes, I know). I hope this isn't mistaken for a big, long complaint--that isn't what I am meaning to portray. It's just curious that this feeling is so familiar, and yet i don't truly remember the last time I felt this way. I think that the stories I've been reading are latching onto me emotionally, and the exhaustion is not truly letting me see past them. I'm beginning to temporarily lose touch with everyone outside of the workplace, as I always do during these 8-weeks of summer, and it really is too bad. I'm content with everything for the moment, though... honestly. But a nap would probably help. Or maybe some sunshine.
Or maybe I could use something more.


Kristen said...

twilight is still influencing my life to the point i think i need to read them again to be complete satisfied. and im still not satisfied. the days have been dragging on this summer.. ps i miss you and cant wait to hang out with you again!!

Hanna said...

I've been feeling similar.
And it's funny, because I distinctly remember us both sleepwalking through highschool.