Friday, November 7, 2008

I'm all registered for classes as of this morning. My schedule for next semester looks something like this:

10:30-11:20- British Literature II (Honors)
5:00-6:40- Intro to American Studies (focus on the 60's) Lecture

10-11:40- Honors English Seminar on Glamour
1:00-2:15- Buddhist Religious Thought
2:30-4:10- Teaching Writing (for the writing center on campus)

10:30-11:20- British Literature II (Honors)
12:00-12:50- Intro to American Studies (focus on the 60's) Discussion

10-11:40- Honors English Seminar in Glamour
1:00-2:15- Buddhist Religious Thought
2:30-4:10- Teaching Writing

10:30-11:20- British Literature II (Honors)

I'm pretty excited about how it turned out. I didn't get into Buddhism originally but I'm in it now! :) Also, I switched into a 400-level Honors seminar about the evolution of Glamour in the 1920's media and literature.

My Understandings of God class has gotten to be really interesting lately. We began our half-semester long study of Eastern Religions and are focusing on Buddhism now. We've been practicing meditation every class (for about a half hour each time) and have been speaking about how Buddhists believe one can obtain and more relaxed and centered life. It really interests me and I've found myself waking up to say "today will be a wonderful day" more often than not. Our assignment for next week is to go to a yoga studio and take a class and then be able to discuss it. I'm definitely in my element :)

I'm going on a retreat called LEAP this weekend too... I'm leaving at 3:30 this afternoon and returning Sunday evening. I've heard amazing things about the retreat from nearly everyone that has been on it and Justin keeps telling me that I'll get a lot out of it. The retreat is famous for being one big secret kept by everyone who has been on it. I'm not allowed to bring a cell phone or laptop or homework or anything of the sort. I can't wait.

I officially dropped my Education major a few weeks ago. I'm still an English major now but I will be picking up a minor eventually as well. I was pretty set on my minor being Religious Studies but if I might still pick up Sociology. I was also accepted into the Teaching Writing course (I had to take a qualifying quiz--I was told I received the highest score!) and after taking the course I will be a writing coach in the on-campus Writing Center. It's great to know that I have something like this going for me.

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