Sunday, November 8, 2009

Eleven hours of homework later and STILL I've never felt better. Treating myself to a bubble bath, a full-body aromatherapy lotion rub, and a facial was the perfect way to end my night. What a day.

I feel like my life has been a huge blurry jumble of emotions, events, and areas of anticipation lately. I've got so many things on my mind and can't believe how quickly this semester is flying by. Sunday I had a pre-departure meeting with everyone else at SMC that is going abroad for the spring semester and it really started to hit me that I'll be halfway around the world in only a few short months. It is now less than three months until departure day and I have a lot to do before I go.

Despite the stress that has been surrounding me lately, I can't help feeling strangely content. I think I'm just euphoric from the incredible smell of this lotion.